2022 GASParilla

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The CrossFitting Agent-Breanne Celiberti
“When it comes to Real Estate, I do the heavy lifting

For Total Reps + Cals: 12 Min Cap

40 – 30 – 20 – 10

  • Partner Deadlifts – M/F Pair
  • Handstand Push Ups – 1 Athlete
  • Synchronized Bar Facing Burpees – M/F Pair
  •  Synchronized Wall Balls (10’/9′) – M/F Pair

Runner Calories: Each team will accumulate calories on the runner for the duration of the workout. Teammates can alternate on/off the runner at any time throughout the 12 min event.

*Score is total reps + Calories at 12-minute cap*

Scaling Key

RX: Deadlift 405 (205/155), Handstand Push up, Wall Ball 30/20

Masters 35+: Deadlift 360 (180/135), Handstand Push Up, 20/14

Intermediate/Masters 45+: Deadlift 295 (135/115), Handstand Push Up w/ Riser, Wall Ball 20/14

Novice: Deadlift 225 (110/70), Hand-Release Push Ups, Wall Ball 20/14

*Deadlift Key Point: The male side of the barbell will be adjusted heavier than the female side to equal the total bar weight. Weights shown are total weight on each side of the bar. The bar weight of 45 lbs will be additional to equal the total weights shown.

*Handstand Push Up w/ Riser Key Point: The riser will consist of a 25lb plate with abmat on top, directly under the head. The hands will be on the ground.

*Wall Ball Key Points: All males will throw to a 10 ft target and females will throw to a 9 ft target. Each gender will have their own target, and partners will be side by side.

Team Flow

Teams will start with all athletes in the starting box. The starting box will be immediately in front of the runner. The deadlift barbell will be in between the runner and the rig. The handstand board and wall ball targets are located on the rig. Hand-release push ups will be performed in the space between the barbell and the rig. Hand tags are required when there is a change in working athletes. Non-working athletes must remain in the starting box. Teams may change working athletes at any time.

At the call of 3-2-1 go! One athlete will move to the runner to begin work. A M/F pair will move to the barbell to begin the 40 deadlifts, while the non-working athlete remains in the starting box. Athletes may switch out positions on the runner at any time. Athletes are not permitted to operate the computer on the runner. 

Upon completion of the 40 deadlifts, one athlete will move to the rig to perform 40 handstand push ups. The non-working athletes must remain in the starting box unless tagged to perform HSPU or switch to the runner. 

Upon completion of the 40 HSPU, a M/F pair will move back to the barbell to perform 40 synchronized bar-facing burpees. The non-working athlete will remain in the starting box unless tagged to perform burpees or switch to the runner.

Upon completion of the 40 burpees, a M/F pair will move back to the rig to perform 40 synchronized wall ball shots. The non-working athlete must remain in the starting box unless tagged to perform wall ball shots or switch to the runner.

Upon completion of the 40 wall ball shots, a M/F pair will move back to the barbell to perform the round of 30 partner deadlifts.

Athletes will continue the descending rep scheme until the 12 minute cap.


Handstand Push Up: The rep begins with the athlete in the handstand position with elbows fully extended and heels touching the backboard. The mass of the athlete’s hand must be inside or on the 3 ft box line. The athlete must then lower head to touch the ground or riser. The rep is complete when the athlete returns to the starting position with elbows fully extended and heels touching the backboard. Kipping is permitted for all divisions other than Elite. The Riser for some divisions will consist of a 25lb plate with abmat on top, directly under the head. The hands will be on the ground.

Hand Release Push Up: The rep begins with the athlete’s chest touching the ground and hands lifted. The rep is complete when the athlete lifts knee, hips, and chest to achieve full elbow lock out. For synchronized, the rep starts with both athletes’ chest touching the ground at the same time with hands lifted. The rep is complete when both athletes’ elbows are extended at the same time.

Partner Deadlift: The barbell begins on the ground with both athletes standing side-by-side. The rep begins when the barbell is lifted until both athletes’ hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. Hand placement can be crossover-style or same-side. The male side of the barbell will be adjusted higher than the female side to equal the total bar weight.

Synchronized Wall Ball:  The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep. The synchro portion of the rep will be counted at the bottom of the squat.

Synchronized Bar-Facing Burpee: The burpees must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The rep begins when athletes jump or step back to reach the bottom position, with chest and hips touching the ground at the same time. Each athlete’s head must stay behind the barbell. Stepping and/or jumping back to the starting position are both permitted. Each athlete MUST clearly move over the barbell. Both feet must be off the ground as the athlete passes over the bar. Stepping over is permitted for Novice and 60+. Athletes do NOT need to use a two-foot take off. Touching the barbell on the jump or step over is a “no rep.” The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the barbell. There is no requirement to land with both feet at the same time. The athlete must be perpendicular to and facing the barbell before starting the next rep. If the athlete receives a “no rep” for any reason, the entire rep must be repeated.

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11 Min Cap

12 – 10 – 8

  • Deadlift
  • Handstand Push Ups
  • Bar Facing Burpees
  • Wall Balls (10’/9′)

Begin each round with 200m Run.

*Score is time or total reps at the 11 min cap*

Scaling Key

Elite: Deadlift 315/205, Strict Handstand Push Up, Wall Ball 30/20

RX: Deadlift 275/185, Handstand Push up, Wall Ball 30/20

Masters 35-39: Deadlift 225/155, Handstand Push Up, 20/14

Masters 40-44: Deadlift 205/135, Handstand Push Up, 20/14

Intermediate: Deadlift 185/125, Handstand Push Up w/ Riser, Wall Ball 20/14

Masters: 45-49: Deadlift 155/105, Handstand Push Up, Wall Ball 20/14

Masters 50+/60+: Deadlift 135/95, (50+Handstand Push Up w/riser)(60+Hand-Release Push Ups), Wall Ball 20/14

Novice: Deadlift 135/95, Hand-Release Push Ups, Wall Ball 20/14

*Handstand Push Up w/ Riser Key Point: The Riser will consist of a 25lb plate with abmat on top, directly under the head. The hands will be on the ground.

Individual Flow

Athletes will use the designated male/female barbell.  The workout begins with athletes in the starting box. The starting box will be immediately in front of the runner. The deadlift barbell will be in between the runner and the rig. The handstand board and wall ball targets are located on the rig. Hand-release push ups will be performed in the space between the barbell and the rig.

 At the call of 3-2-1 go! Athletes will move to the runner to begin work on the 200 meter run. Athletes are not permitted to operate the computer on the runner. Once complete, the athlete will move to the barbell to complete 12 deadlifts at the prescribed weight.

Upon completion of the 12 deadlifts, the athlete will move to the rig to perform 12 handstand push ups. 

After the 12 HSPU, the athlete will move back to the barbell to perform 12 bar-facing burpees.

Following the 12 burpees, the athlete will move back to the rig to perform 12 wall ball shots.

Completion of the 12 wall ball shots marks the end of the round. From there the athlete will move to the runner to begin the next round of work. The athlete will move through these exercises until all three rounds and rep requirements are met. Following the final wall ball shot, the athlete must move to the starting box to complete the event. 


Bar-Facing Burpee: The burpees must be performed perpendicular to and facing the barbell. The rep begins when the athlete jumps or steps back to reach the bottom position with chest and hips touching the ground. The athlete’s head must stay behind the barbell. Stepping and/or jumping back to the starting position are both permitted. Each athlete MUST clearly move over the barbell. Both feet must be off the ground as the athlete passes over the bar. Stepping over is permitted for Novice and 60+. Athletes do NOT need to use a two-foot take off. Touching the barbell on the jump or step over is a “no rep.” The rep is credited when both feet have touched the ground on the opposite side of the barbell. There is no requirement to land with both feet at the same time. The athlete must be perpendicular to and facing the barbell before starting the next rep. If the athlete receives a “no rep” for any reason, the entire rep must be repeated.

Deadlift: The rep begins when the barbell is lifted from the ground and is complete when the athlete’s hips and knees reach full extension with the shoulders behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. 

Handstand Push Up: The rep begins with the athlete in the handstand position with elbows fully extended and heels touching the backboard. The mass of the athlete’s hand must be inside or on the 3 ft box line. The athlete must then lower head to touch the ground or riser. The rep is complete when the athlete returns to the starting position with elbows fully extended and heels touching the backboard. Kipping is permitted for all divisions other than Elite. The Riser for some divisions will consist of a 25lb plate with abmat on top, directly under the head. The hands will be on the ground.

Hand Release Push Up: The rep begins with the athlete’s chest touching the ground and hands lifted. The rep is complete when the athlete lifts knee, hips, and chest to achieve full elbow lock out. For synchronized, the rep starts with both athletes’ chest touching the ground at the same time with hands lifted. The rep is complete when both athletes’ elbows are extended at the same time.

Wall Ball: The rep begins when the medicine ball is taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target. The center of the ball must hit the target at or above the specified target height. If the ball hits low or does not hit the wall, it is a “no rep.” If the ball drops to the ground from the top, it cannot be caught off the bounce to begin the next rep. The ball must settle on the ground before being picked up for the next rep.

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